Ways to have a better conversation

This blog article summarises the main points in the video (Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation | TED Talk) In TEDx.

        Pic: Celeste Headlee • TEDxCreativeCoast

The speaker is discussing the issue of polarization and division in society, and the breakdown in communication that results from it. She points out that it is difficult to have a polite conversation because even seemingly safe topics like the weather and health are now controversial due to issues like climate change and anti-vaxxing. She suggests that part of the reason for this breakdown in communication is due to technology and the lack of face-to-face interaction. They offer to teach the audience how to interview people as a way to improve their communication skills and have more meaningful conversations. The speaker reminds the audience that a good conversation requires a balance between talking and listening, and by learning how to interview people, they can regain that balance and improve their relationships with others.

The speaker then goes on to share their own experience as a professional interviewer and explains that they use the same skills in regular life. She offered to teach the audience how to interview people and suggest that this will help them learn how to be better conversationalists. She explained that by learning how to interview people, they will be able to have a conversation without wasting their time, getting bored, or offending anyone.

The speaker concludes by noting that we have all had great conversations before and that we know what it feels like to walk away feeling engaged and inspired or to have made a meaningful connection with someone. She argues that by learning how to interview people, we can have more of these great conversations and improve our communication skills. She reminds the audience that conversation requires a balance between talking and listening and that by learning how to interview people, we can regain that balance and improve our relationships with others.


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