Importance of transferrable skills

Transferable skills

Transferable skills are skills used in one job or career that can also be used in another. It is a set of skills and qualities that can be transferred from one job to another. There might be many transferable skills that we already have from past work experiences that can be used to strengthen them and develop new ones that employers value across industries and jobs.

My Top 3 Transferable Skills

1. Communication

Communication skills are the most common transferable skill among many of us. For me, communication skills have always been there in each of my past employment. I got my communication skills from my previous job as a courier driver. I had to deal with customers and vendors for different queries about responsibilities that I needed to complete. I had to call the customer and vendors, email them and send SMS timely to arrange meetings and discussions. Assertive communication helps to impart information

2. Teamwork

Teamwork skills
contain the ability to work with others to achieve a common goal. While working as a courier driver and waiter in a restaurant I had to work with the team to complete tasks. I had to collaborate, and exchange information with teams. Effective teamwork requires several other qualities such as empathy, active listening and strong communication. Providing successful teamwork examples during interviews can help employers understand how to work with others in the company.

3. Technology Literacy

Technology literacy is comfort with and ability to navigate new technology. As I am an IT student and have experience in the technical field and technical skills. In my past work experience, I had to use different software like ABACUS to take orders, and use a dispatch system for deliveries which requires technical skills. I also have to make invoices and use email frequently which request knowledge of using MS word and similar software.  Almost every position across all industries will require the use of technology at some level. In an increasingly technological world and workplace, employers value candidates who can learn new tools and software quickly to complete tasks.


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